职业生涯 Exploration 资源和 Password Protected Assessments 


Discover and identify your interests, skills, work values, and match careers based 根据您的个人财务需求.



Browse careers, programs or take a career assessment to discover San Diego and Imperial County-based career paths that match your interest. 搜索结果将包括职业、 工资信息,以及相关培训.



Learn about local community college programs within San Diego County, related career 途径和薪水.



Find wage and employment trends, occupational requirements, state-by-state labor market conditions, millions of employer contacts nationwide, and an extensive career resource 在线图书馆. 包括 职业生涯视频 按职业集群分组,有300多个 西班牙语视频



This is not a government-run site but it does have the information about federal jobs and internships that are currently available, and career guides.


这里是职业生涯 Mobile App

This is a mobile app for your phone, available in English or 西班牙语. 它列出了所有 California Community College Programs, including career pathways and salaries.



Find your category of major and explore related careers with their “What Can I Do 这个专业?”部分.



This is a FREE Government site with no passwords required. 发现你的兴趣所在 是通过填写 利益评估 以及它们与工作世界的关系. 这个网站也可以在 西班牙语. 我的下一步行动还提供了一个为以下人群量身定制的版本 退伍军人



Learn about information on career outlook and salary. 单击职业字段 you are interested in and you will find a description of the career, educational requirements, 薪资及前景. Figures on 薪资及前景 are national figures. 



Browse career profiles in the search engine under “Find a 职业生涯” to find out about a typical day in the life of someone in your chosen occupation, future planning, quality 生活,以及相关专业.



Select a program of study and view the earnings of recent California community college graduates who received an award in a specific program of study.薪资网提供 comparative information on earnings to help students make important decisions about investing time and money in a college education.



Find out what salary you will earn in your chosen occupation. 工资向导计算 你的薪水取决于地理区域. 包括求职网站的链接.



Explore typical careers and pathways for common majors.




美国志愿队 members are similar to Peace Corps members, except 美国志愿队 serve only 在美国. A stint in 美国志愿队 usually lasts 10 months to one year. 支付的志愿者. 学费的好处.



的 San Diego Center challenges its corps members with natural resource work ranging from trail construction and fire hazard reduction to heavy equipment operation. 在那里 加州运输学院也有实习吗.



Volunteer opportunities in the Attorney's Office, City Clerk's office, Family Justice Center, Fire-Rescue, 图书馆, Metropolitan Wastewater, Parks and Recreation, Police 和水/水库.



Student workers / internships in the areas of Community Services, Land Use and Environment, Public Safety, Finance and General Government, Health and Human Services. 点击 the County department home pages for information specific to each department; For 例子: 治安部门.



美国.S. 人事管理厅


provides Federal internship opportunities to students and recent graduates  who are enrolled or accepted for enrollment as degree seeking students taking at least a half-time academic, technical, or vocational course load in an accredited high school, technical, vocational, 2 or 4 year college or university, graduate or professional school. 学生 who successfully complete the program may be eligible for conversion to a permanent 公务员的工作.



Take a working vacation and volunteer to help protect California's National Parks.



搜索 for volunteer opportunities by zip code, city or state.



的 职业中心 has a variety of student assessments and tools to help students with their career development and job skills needs. 辅导员可以协助提供 对你的结果的解释. 请联系就业中心访问 以下受密码保护的站点: 



  • Personality Type- Learn more about your strengths, challenges, communication strategies, and careers related to your preferences and type.

  • Learning and Productivity- 创建 a preference profile and learn more about study 基于你的学习偏好的策略.

  • Multiple Intelligences-Based on Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence theory. 创建 an intelligence profile, learn about your challenges, and careers and majors related 发挥你的长处. 

  • Skills- Identify and develop skills to be successful in the workforce.


 is a tool for you to learn more about your skills, values and interests through assessments. This program allows you to search a database of careers, colleges, and majors. 职业生涯 profiles include educational requirements, occupational information, salary, outlook, and videos and interviews by professionals in each field.



Learn from video game designers to lawyers, sports journalists to STEM professionals, 以及介于两者之间的一切. 这些故事构成了 Roadtrip国家's career exploration products—including an educational curriculum, personalized online tools, video content, bestselling books, and live events. 这些工具一起创造 a diverse and relevant collection of resources showing young people the vast scope 职业和可能性.



的 完美的面试 software allows you to practice interviews from your home via your webcam from your 智能设备,笔记本电脑或电脑. 在那里 is also a private room you can book at the 就业中心,在那里你可以练习. 完美面试有成千上万的练习 questions, an interview coach to help you answer such questions, and two sample student 反应. 完美的面试 also has a job search and resume builder.






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